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What Does "Ph.D." Stand For?
Though the name of the degree might indicate otherwise, this does not suggest that the holder of a Ph.D. is a philosopher, necessarily, or that this degree is for people hoping to become philosophers (although some do). "Doctor of Philosophy" is simply the term created to indicate the doctorate-level title bestowed on a person who has completed a largely research-based degree program in his selected field of study. To be eligible to be a Doctor of Philosophy in your desired subject area, all scholars need to have already completed any academic prerequisite requirements for study in their respective fields. Ph.D.s can be earned in a variety of disciplines, from humanities like history, literature, anthropology, education, public policy and political science to hard sciences like molecular biology, physics, environmental science, geology and chemistry. By far, the most well-known doctorate is a Doctorate of Medicine, which is the Ph.D. earned by a medical doctor. It is a requirement for medical doctors to practice in the United States.

How to Get a Degree in Philosophy
Before discussing the ways that someone can earn a degree in philosophy, it is helpful to explain the subject. Philosophy is a field of study concerned specifically with the exploration and examination of the experience of being alive, and the variety of human feelings that an individual experiences as he or she seeks to understand the meaning of his or her life. The study of philosophy not only encompasses the exploration of questions related to existence, but it also requires the study of the history of the discipline, which reaches far back to the earliest recorded writings of thinkers from the ancient world.Generally, people who are seeking to get a degree in philosophy are hoping to explore the questions surrounding the nature and purpose of humanity's existence on earth. This sounds like a daunting undertaking, and it certainly can be. However, it is perfectly normal for undergraduate students who are fresh out of high school to pursue a degree in philosophy. The study of philosophy typically begins with introductory courses

Do I Have to Get a Ph.D?
Many people assume that getting a degree in philosophy means going to school for a Ph.D. or doctorate. However, this is not always the case. Bachelor's degrees in philosophy are common and are roughly obtained in the four years that it takes most people to earn other degrees.Once a student has graduated with a bachelor's degree, he or she may choose to pursue further study in philosophy and decide to apply to or enroll in a master's degree program. In some other cases, the student may be so enamored of the discipline that he or she chooses to enroll in a Ph.D. program.Studying for a bachelor's degree in philosophy usually take four years of full-time classes. In some cases, a student has prior credits from high school or a baccalaureate program that is applicable to his or her undergraduate study. In cases like these, or if a student takes a particularly heavy course load, he or she may be able to complete their undergraduate study in only three years, but this is generally not the norm.

What Is a Doctorate Degree?
A doctorate degree is the highest degree attainable in an academic field of study. A doctorate degree indicates that an individual has studied as much as possible in the area of his chosen field. It also indicates that the holder has found ways through his dissertation and course of study to add something new to the discipline and has provided a valuable new piece of scholarship to the field.Generally, a doctorate degree is attained after several years of study in the chosen field. This does not need to be continuous study. Often, students enter their doctorate program years after they have spent time working in their chosen field. Other times, after pursuing a master's degree, a student will decide that she would like to become a professor.A doctorate is often pursued as a means of attaining that goal.

Are There Doctorates Besides the Ph.D.?
The Ph.D. is the most advanced degree in a field of study, but particular fields of study have their own titles for advanced degrees.
These are, generally speaking, degrees that are less directed at research and philosophy of the discipline and are earned mostly toward a professional end.
These doctorates are still formidable and still indicate a tremendous amount of study and work on the part of the degree holder.
The difference is that the goal is applying the study to a particular profession rather than conducting research with the end goal of scholarship.

What Is the Structure of a Doctoral Program?
Doctoral studies are different from study for a master's degree or bachelor's degree.
During a period of undergraduate study, the student generally spends his time in seminars and lectures, reading and researching and often writing papers or completing projects pertaining to his coursework. At the master's level, the curriculum is much the same, although the coursework may be replaced with fieldwork in certain cases, and there is a greater emphasis on students conducting their own research.
There may be more in the way of papers, presentations and projects versus the tests and lectures that characterize undergraduate work.
A doctorate degree is the highest degree that one can attain in any discipline and is therefore higher than a master's degree. A master's degree is usually the degree that students get after completing a bachelor's and deciding that they would like to pursue further study in a particular area. A master's degree generally involves more advanced coursework than a bachelor's degree, and unlike a more general B.A. or B.S., it is devoted exclusively to study in one particular discipline.
Despite the fact that a doctorate degree is considered higher than a master's degree, a master's degree is still considered a significant accomplishment. A master's degree holder is considered to be a specialist in his field and in many cases may teach at the college level without having pursued a Ph.D., although a tenure-track position without a doctorate is harder to obtain.
There are many jobs where a master's in the discipline is required for eligibility. Master's degree candidates must also put in many hours of research in order to earn their degree and in many cases may choose to publish their writing in academic journals or other publications.
The distinctions in degrees and their weights are important, particularly given the fact that different countries consider these degrees with varying levels of importance. In the United States, the emphasis placed on a research doctorate is significant. This is because it indicates that the degree holder doesn't only have a professional understanding of the discipline but has conducted significant research and has done the kind of writing and teaching that furthers the scholarship of the discipline.
This is particularly important to distinguish Ph.D. holders who have written dissertations or conducted projects that have significantly advanced the scholarship in their field. By moving the D.Tech to a designation outside of research doctorates, the National Science Foundation intended to truly honor those scholars who have made such valuable contributions to their subjects.

To obtain a PhD or a Doctor of Philosophy, an individual has to complete a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in a subject at an accredited university. The individual applies to study and complete the Ph.D. and usually spends about eight to 10 years at university. The Ph.D. is based on the same subject attained in the master's program. To complete the program, the academic must display astute knowledge of a particular discipline and specialize in a particular subject within that discipline. For example, a Doctor of Philosophy of English literature may specialize in American literature.
What is Graduate University?
Graduate school, often referred to as grad school, is a college or university that offers advanced academic programs resulting in a master’s degree, doctorate degree or certificate. Most require students to already have completed a bachelor’s program and earned a minimum GPA. Many universities offer graduate programs, though the “graduate school” within the institution. The coursework in a grad school will be more advanced and focused as the goal of a graduate student is to concentrate their studies in a specific subject area and develop advanced knowledge and skills.
Some graduate programs also have a more significant research component than undergraduate studies. And other graduate schools offer professional degrees which may be more focused on practical skills and knowledge. Examples include the MBA, MPA, PsyD and DNP. The type of grad school you attend, degree you seek and chosen area of study will play a large role in determining your graduate school experience.
Frequently Asked Grad School Questions
Students who are considering pursing an advanced degree at the graduate degree level often have many questions about what to expect in grad school. Going to graduate school is both a costly and time-consuming endeavor and students may feel nervous about committing to advancing their education. You are not alone. At some point in time the frequently asked questions we have gathered have been asked by one student or another. We are hear to help provide answers to these questions the best we can. Let's start with the question of popularity. To the right, we have listed popular subjects our users visit often.
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A Doctor of Philosophy – PhD in Business – is an upper level degree. Those who undertake the rigors of a doctorate in business program are often involved in cross disciplinary study and research. Broad course plans are designed to help students master all facets of their chosen field, while a concentration refines expertise and helps to focus independent projects. Put simply, tomorrow’s thought leaders may be today’s doctorate degree in business students.
Doctorate Degree vs. PhD in Business? The Choice is Yours
PhD in Business programs span academically equivalent degrees, each with distinct objectives. As such, it is a good idea to first unpack your goals. For instance, where do you see yourself in five years – teaching and researching or moving up the corporate ladder? Then, flesh a program and school where it is possible to pursue your chosen doctoral degree – in your field of choice.
As a rule of thumb, a PhD degree is a research doctorate. in a PhD in Business Management or PhD in Business Administration program, students often pursue research that extends existing theory in an attempt to build upon what is already known.
Other degrees associated with business are called ‘applied doctorates’. These include the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), Doctor of Management (DM), Doctor of Public Administration (DPA). Along with the Doctor of Education (EdD) and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) these all share the common goal of developing in students their capacity for executive or organizational leadership. Converse to a PhD, students usually learn to translate theory into actionable decisions and plans.
Here are a few common questions that students embarking on a doctorate or PhD degree in business could clarify to help make this important decision.
- Do you prefer or intend to research and teach in your area of expertise?
- Is your goal to excel in the practice of your area of expertise?
- What is your area of expertise (e.g. business, IT, accounting, public administration)
- Are you a recent graduate or seasoned manager?
Earning a doctorate in finance, such as a PhD in Finance or DBA degree, could provide students with a strong foundation in the theoretical and empirical aspects of modern and global finance and economics. PhD in Finance and DBA - Finance degrees are terminal degrees, meaning they represent one of the highest achievements in business education.
Students in PhD finance programs receive in an depth education in statistics, financial mathematics and investments. They also may learn extensively about corporate finance, financial markets and products. Finally, PhD in Finance and DBA programs typically place a heavy emphasis on research, providing students with the opportunity to study research practices and pursue independent studies of their own.
PhD in Finance vs DBA in Finance Programs
Are you drawn to academic research? Or, do you have a management oriented career in mind? There are different types of doctorate in finance programs which may help you accomplish these goals. The two most common options are the PhD in Finance and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programs.
These two programs do have similarities. As doctorates they both require similar coursework, an exam, and a doctoral dissertation. Typically both doctorate in finance programs also ask applicants to have a comprehensive background in college level mathematics and economics and may take a full time student 4-5 years to complete.
However, the PhD in Finance and DBA have different approaches to the subject matter and distinct objectives.
PhD in Finance Degrees
PhD in Finance degrees are academic degrees and more theoretical in nature. While PhD research focuses on advancing business knowledge, the PhD in Finance is generally considered the route into an academic career as a professor and university researcher.i Graduates may also pursue careers in the public sector or advanced consulting or research roles in business or administration.
DBA in Finance Degrees
A DBA in Finance is a professional degree. As such, these programs may take a more practical approach. Typical DBA programs emphasize vocational training and applying research and theory to real world business problems. The emphasis of the coursework is more immediately applicable in corporate leadership and management, though graduates may be able to pursue a faculty position in a business school.i
These may not be the only doctorate in finance programs available. Individual programs may also vary from the descriptions above. That's why it's important to contact an admission advisor and speak with PhD finance programs directly.
There are two primary types of doctorate degrees in marketing and advertising: the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and the Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA).
PhD Programs in Marketing & Advertising
PhD marketing or advertising programs typically help students pursue careers in higher education working as educators and researchers, often times in business schools. Professionals with PhDs in marketing or advertising may also work as managers or researchers in businesses across industries. In many programs, the emphasis is on marketing and business theories and empirical analysis. Students may develop the theoretical knowledge and research methodologies necessary to successfully conduct research, teach students, and contribute to the body of marketing research and analysis.
PhD in Project Management degree programs are designed to provide students with the knowledge required to help companies reach their operational and performance potential. Courses are usually focused on such subjects as budget management, risk assessment, cost control and bid negotiation.
Because students might be currently employed in the industry, some schools offer distance learning programs that might be completed entirely online, making it more convenient for those with full schedules or other obligations to take care of. Once an individual graduates from a doctorate program, he or she might have the educational qualifications necessary to pursue a wide variety of potential career opportunities
Common Coursework in Project Management PhD Programs
While completing a PhD in Project Management, scholars might have the chance to learn about how to manage several projects at once and how to best report any progress made over the course of a project for the most accurate results. Before completing a program, students might first have to compile a final written assignment that shows they have attained the skills necessary to identify problems a company or organization is having, identify areas that require intervention and recommend a thorough and justified plan of action. A series of dissertation courses might be included in some programs to help students prepare for their final assignment. There might also be a mandatory comprehensive exam students have to pass before they are able to receive their degrees.
Both the Doctor of Education – EdD, and the Doctor of Philosophy - PhD in Sports Management degree are considered the terminal degrees in the field of sports management, although certification is generally not required for a career in sports management. Doctoral-level programs train students in the top analytical and research methods vital for a career in academia or sports administration. Sports management is an interdisciplinary field in which coursework might range from kinesiology, to economics, leadership and business law during your doctorate in sports management.
PhD in Sports Management Overview : Sport Management PhD Programs
Whether you are a current professional looking to advance in higher education or someone interested in potentially achieving leadership positions within the growing sport industry, a PhD in Sports Management Program might help you develop the best research, critical thinking, or teaching skills that may prepare you for a variety of potential career paths in sports-related industries.
Applicants to PhD in Sports Management programs must possess a bachelor's degree, though one in sport management is generally not required. This being said, applicants without prior coursework in the field may be required to take several prerequisites prior to beginning their doctoral program. Previous professional experience in sports management is considered useful but not commonly required for admission.
Students in Ph.D. programs learn about sports from a business perspective. Topics often include how sports are marketed, how to effectively run sports organizations, as well as how to mange human resources. The business aspects of sports management programs cultivate leadership and managerial development appropriate for those interested in pursuing high-level roles with professional sports teams, university
Considering a PhD Technology Management Program? Technology management is a concentration within the broader fields of information technology and business management. Focusing mainly on research, a PhD Technology Management degree might help students develop skills that will help them to serve in industrial and educational capacities while building on research procedures and an understanding of industrial processes. The goal of some of these programs is to turn doctoral candidates into contributing scholars and researchers with the ability to produce research in the technology management field and obtain faculty status at universities around the world. Become a doctor of technology management through one of our many graduate programs available throughout the world.
Expectations within Technology Management PhD Programs
Some PhD technology management doctorate programs offer advanced coursework in managerial techniques, laws, ethics, marketing, finance, and economics. Some programs expect studies to end with the successful defense of a dissertation, so coursework might focus on research methods and techniques. Candidates may be required to work closely with a faculty member during research and writing of a dissertation. There may also be an expectation for
What is a Doctorate Degree vs a PhD Degree?
A Doctorate, or Doctoral Degree, is the highest level of academic degree awarded by a university. A doctorate typically signifies that the individual is qualified to teach at the post-secondary level or work in a specific field of profession. There are two major types of doctoral degrees; the research-oriented degree, and the professional doctorate degree.
Doctorate Degrees are sometimes referred to as terminal degrees which means it is the final degree available in graduate school for students wishing to study in the chosen subject. In most fields, the terminal-level degree is the doctor of philosophy, or PhD, but in some fields, it's a professional degree, such as a doctor of medicine or law degree.
We commonly associate a doctorate degree with the field of medicine and the abbreviation ‘M.D’, or medical doctorate, and the Ph.D., or Doctor of Philosophy Degree. In fact, there are different types of doctoral degrees, including the DBA degree, and several reasons why earning one might be just what the doctor ordered.
Interested in potentially enhancing your qualifications in the law enforcement field? If so, you may want to consider earning a higher level criminal justice degree. These types of degrees may be a fit for for high-level managerial and leadership positions in government agencies, the private defense sector, nonprofits/think tanks, the military, as well as the protection/security field.
There are several different masters level law enforcement degree types to choose from, such as a Doctorate in Strategic Security which may incorporate disciplines from the fields of Intelligence Management, Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies, and Protection Management into a comprehensive program designed to provide a world-wide strategic view of relevant security issues.
A Doctorate of Legal Studies includes JD Juris Doctorate, S.J.D. Doctor of Juridial Science, and other Doctorate level Professional Law Degrees. Explore GradSchools.com for a range of Graduate Schools and Programs for Doctorates in Legal Studies.
Doctorate Degrees in Adult Education
Students looking for Doctorate Degrees in Adult Education study the practice of teaching adults, including those in college and graduate school. Adult Education degrees differ from other education degrees due to cognitive differences in developmental stages. Review doctorate in adult education and find the perfect program for you.
Early childhood education doctoral programs are designed to prepare students to take young children's emotional, social, physical, and cognitive abilities into consideration inside the classroom. However unlike bachelors and masters degrees in the field, doctorate in early childhood education programs focus less on teaching and more on taking a leadership role. Therefore, classes cover how to design curriculum and enforce policy that could positively affect students from birth until kindergarten. Courses could include some of the following.
- Social & Emotional Child Development
- Family Learning
- Parent Child Interaction
- Working with At-Risk Children
- Childhood Literacy
- Early Childhood Education Issues
This is just a sample of potential courses. Programs vary so check out a few class lists to find one that might meet your needs.
Are you interested in educational psychology doctoral programs, or earning your doctorate in school psychology? Whether you want to enhance your existing career, embark upon a new path in your career and education, or deepen your expertise, earning your Ph.D. in educational psychology, school psychology, or school counseling may be a great decision for you. Whether you want to enroll full time, or want a Doctorate in Educational and School Psychology program with enough flexibility to balance it with your career and personal life, the perfect educational psychology and school psychology doctoral programs may be out there for you to find. Read below for more information on Doctorate in Educational and School Psychology programs.
Choosing a Perfect Doctorate in Educational and School Psychology Program
Once you’re ready to look into educational and school psychology doctoral programs, how do you know which one may be the perfect fit for your needs? With so many potential options at your fingertips, making that decision might be a challenge. The field of educational and school psychology contains several specific concentration areas you might pursue, each of which may have unique qualities making it a good fit for you. Beyond that, several different types of Doctorate in Educational and School Psychology degree programs might be available. Understanding the basics of each of these may help make that decision-making process a little easier.
Educational Psychology Ph.D. Programs
Are you currently pursuing or interested in a career in educational psychology? If you’re interested in researching how people learn, or in analyzing that research and applying it in real world situations to help schools and education systems become more effective learning environments, earning your doctorate in educational psychology may be a perfect choice for you. A doctoral program in educational psychology might focus on performing that research as well as the theory behind doing that research effectively, or it might focus on more practical applications of that research in the real world. Whether you want to pursue a career in research or work in the field, choosing a Doctorate in Educational and School Psychology program that reflects your goals is a good idea.
Earn Your Ph.D. in School Psychology
Whether you’re currently working as a school psychologist and are interested in enhancing your career with additional education, or want to change tracks, you might want to consider earning your doctorate in school psychology. School psychologists might have a variety of responsibilities depending on the needs of the school they work in, including the identification and testing of students with extraordinary learning needs, collaborating to develop IEPs and behavioral plans; and ensuring the cooperation of faculty, guardians, and other relevant parties to make sure a student’s necessary learning accommodations are met. School psychology Ph.D. programs might allow you the opportunity to study a specific concentration within your field, such as the needs of a specific student population (like urban education), age group, disability type, or other topic or job function.
International Education at the Ph.D. level focuses on cultural, political, and social aspects of countries around the world. Students will focus on areas such as global history, military strategy, and comparative politics. Potential career options may include foreign service officers or public affairs coordinators.
Educators seeking to acquire advanced knowledge and skills related to teaching might consider a Doctorate in Teacher Education. Strategies for instruction and helping fellow educators are some of the areas of focus for a Ph.D. in Teacher Education.
As you know, the field of education is an incredibly dynamic one. Political and economic factors challenge and direct education, and social and cultural underpinnings in schools and districts make each person’s experience a unique one. In schools and districts, social, political, and economic components intermingle to create an ever-evolving system.
This ever-evolving system is one that directly affects our communities, country, and world. According to the Global Partnership for Education, education “is one of the most important investments a country can make in its people and its future, and is critical to reducing poverty and inequality[i]”. To see a thriving populace and world, we must infuse our schools and districts with thoughtful and responsive teachers, administrators, and leaders.
Professionals who earn a doctorate in education dedicate their time, money, and mental power to administering and improving education. They are given a chance to learn to navigate the complex dynamics of educational systems and to apply knowledge to reveal and resolve issues. They also learn to leverage and strengthen those aspects of education that work well.
Ultimately, people with a doctorate in education have an opportunity to gain highly nuanced perspectives of education’s many moving parts, and they may affect change at personal, local, national, and global levels.
Earn a doctorate in graphic design or multi-media design. Search available Ph.D. programs in graphic design or multimedia on GradSchools.com. Graphic design or multimedia doctoral programs are available in many specializations. If you want to perform advanced work or research in graphic design or multimedia earning a Ph.D. in graphic design or multimedia design might be a good option for you!
Earning a Ph.D. in performing arts may give students the opportunity to completely immerse themselves in the study of the performing arts medium that inspires them. Performing arts Ph.D. programs typically feature an intensive course of study that is intended to connect students with other passionate artists.
PhD in Biomedical Science Overview
Graduates interested in conducting independent research and gaining laboratory experience might benefit from earning a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Biomedical science degree. Biomedical scientists conduct research in order to comprehend human disease and find ways to improve human health. PhD Biomedical Science programs are designed to educate learners who aspire to pursue careers as research scientists and scholars, or academic careers in biological and biomedical science.
Doctorate in Gerontology Degree Information
Improved living conditions and healthcare have created a unique population from that of years past. As each decade passes, the average lifespan for healthy adults climbs higher, producing a steadily rising number of elderly persons that require specialized care and attention. This situation has created an increased need for professionals who are trained to handle the unique challenges that come with old age. This is why the field of gerontology was created. Individuals who earn a doctorate in gerontology are equipped to assess the mental, physical and emotional issues that appear with advancing years.
Potential Concentration Options in Gerontology PhD Degree Programs
For individuals interested in working with elderly patients during their healthcare career, there are many options that could prove both fulfilling as well as challenging. You could concentrate your studies based on the sort of healthcare services you’d like to offer. Pharmacies have need of specialized professionals who know which medicines work best and have the least amount of side effects for aging individuals. Students may also be able to focus their degree on the dental side of healthcare and assist the elderly with things such as dentures and implants for deteriorating teeth. Another popular area for professionals to apply their knowledge is in a nursing home or other long-term care facility. Many of the patients in these institutions are of advanced age and require care that is specific to their needs. Gerontologists could also focus their studies on courses that offer the ability to excel in areas such as social work, nursing, occupational therapy and internal medicine. The wide range of concentration options is one of the things that make this degree a highly-desired program for students. Those with a doctorate in gerontology are also
Medical Specialties Doctorate degrees may be offered as Doctorate in Acupuncture, Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) and Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) amongst other possibilities. Some programs accept students who have earned a Bachelors degree, while other doctoral degree programs may require students to have earned their Masters. The thing to be aware of is that program lengths, admission requirements and prerequisites vary between programs and medical schools. For instance, some medical schools offer combined undergraduate and medical school programs that last 6 or 7 years[ii]. To stay prepared, you might easily request information from prospective universities straight from this site.
Medical Specialties Doctorate Degrees: First Professional Doctorate Degrees
Some of the Medical Specialties Doctorate Degrees, such as the Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) or Doctor of Acupuncture (DAc) are considered ‘first professional doctorate degrees’ which may be accessible to entry-level students. The first professional degree requires students to have completed some undergraduate coursework and might prepare an individual to work in a specific occupation, meaning graduation may help them to meet the academic component for licensure or accreditation.[iii]
First-Professional Degree Requirements
The first professional degree requires students to have completed some undergraduate coursework. Unlike the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), a Doctor degree does not contain an independent research component
Review Food Science Doctorates, Ph.D. in Nutrition & Health Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy in Sport, Fitness, and Wellness Management and other Doctorates in Nutrition and Fitness on GradSchools.com the leading accredited Graduate Programs website.
Review Doctorate Degrees in Pharmacology such as Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doctorate in Medicinal Chemistry, Doctorate Program in Molecular Pharmacology and Signal Transduction all on GradSchools.com the leading website for accredited Graduate Programs, College & Universities.
Are you seeking advanced leadership roles in public health and healthcare? If so, the two main doctoral degrees awarded are: the DrPH and PHD in Public Health. Do you have the Master of Public Health or its equivalent? Are you intending to pursue or advance a professional practice career in the field? Or. are you seeking to lead a team or initiative? If so, either the Doctor of Philosophy or the Doctor of Public Health degree (DrPH Programs) warrants consideration.
DrPH Programs and PhD Programs in Public Health: Basics
Applicants to both the DrPH and PhD in Public Health often aspire to work in top leadership positions, either locally or internationally. They frequently work in groups such as:
- Health ministry
- Government agency in public health
- Health-related corporation
- International organization[i]
Admission requirements vary between universities and programs. However, to be eligible to apply into a doctoral program, a prospective candidate usually needs a bachelor’s degree. Also they may need some type of public health and/or service experience. Often required is a master’s or doctoral degree (e.g. MD) in a relevant field plus experience. Universities may look for a candidate with an undergraduate or graduate degree background in the health sciences. Universities may also look for candidates with a background in other applicable fields (e.g. biology, medicine, psychology, economics, business, health care, epidemiology).
How Long Does It Take To Earn a PhD in Economics?
Students are advised to contact the school they are interested in attending. The entire PhD in economics program may take 4 to 6 years.
The first few years are generally devoted to achieving competence in core courses, such as econometric methods, fundamentals of microeconomic and macroeconomic theory, as well as economic history. Following this, students prepare for an examination in their chosen field of Economics, prepare a proposal for their dissertation, then they take an oral examination. Once this procedure is completed, students may advance to candidacy and complete a dissertation based on original research and findings.
PhD in Economics programs are designed for graduate students who are interested in pursuing advanced study of economic theory as well as conducting original empirical research in the field of Economics. Doctorate in Economics programs offer both theoretical perspectives as well as technical education, and may focus on current economic policies or trends. Some programs encompass development economics, international economics, labor economics, monetary economics or econometrics. At the doctoral level, students are expected to focus on a particular area in economics, both to help fine-tune their prospective career as well as to help focus their in-depth research.
A doctorate in ethics could focus on one of two areas: philosophical ethics or social ethics. Professionals holding this type of degree may be employed with job titles ranging from a theologian to a ethics college professor.
Enlightening your life through a philosophy or ethics doctorate program can be an essential factor to a successful career. News all over media about ethical business practices demonstrates the importance of ethics and business philosophy. Taking philosophy & ethics doctorate programs may be the key to your success! Individuals possessing a philosophy & ethics Ph.D. degree are in demand due to the complexity of government law and the dynamic subject itself. Employers are looking for individuals who can seek solutions to problems that can be easily translated to others – that may be you!
If you are seeking for an ethics or philosophy doctorate program near you or around the world, filter your search by location for accredited colleges around the world. With the numerous types ofdoctorate programs available in ethics & philosophy, all you need to do is take matters into your own hands!
With a doctorate in womens studies, you could learn about gender differences and women on a local, global and historical level. The curriculum could include courses in social movements, sexuality, cultural practices and more.
Research Doctorate Degrees in Architecture on GradSchools.com the leading website for Graduate Programs and accredited Colleges and Universities with Architecture Doctorate Degree Programs.
Review D Arch & Ph.D. of Architecture and other Doctoral Studies in Architecture below.
Biomedical engineering PhD degree programs combine advanced engineering principles with the study of biology and medicine. Students explore the life sciences and make use of theories and computation practices from disciplines that include core biological sciences, engineering, computer science and advanced mathematics. Often referred to as a BME PhD, a Biomedical Engineering PhD program offers in-depth training; students conduct original research that culminates in a doctoral dissertation. Biomedical engineering advances knowledge and develops new devices at the crossing points of engineering, biology, and medicine.
Biomedical Engineering PhD Program Overview
Admission to a Biomedical Engineering PhD program may vary. Typically a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in biology, mathematics or computer science is required. Ideal candidates for BME PhD programs are individuals interested in specialized research in topics such as tissue regeneration, biomaterials or medical optics. Students are trained to become leaders in research and development in industrial and university settings.
PhD in Biomedical Science Overview
Graduates interested in conducting independent research and gaining laboratory experience might benefit from earning a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Biomedical science degree. Biomedical scientists conduct research in order to comprehend human disease and find ways to improve human health. PhD Biomedical Science programs are designed to educate learners who aspire to pursue careers as research scientists and scholars, or academic careers in biological and biomedical science.
While Doctorate in Biomedical Science degrees tend to focus on research methods needed to be a scientist such as product design and data interpretation, some students may be in a dual degree program that pairs a PhD with a range of specialized medical degrees. These degrees, such as Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS), Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) and Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO), teach the clinical skills that these professions require.[i]
Typical Requirements for Biomedical Science Doctoral Programs
At the doctorate level, PhD in Biomedical Science programs usually necessitate that students have at least a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry, biophysics, microbiology, molecular biology or another closely related science field, as well as prerequisite coursework in calculus, chemistry, biology, genetics and physics. Depending on the program, other prerequisites may include letters of recommendation, a letter of intent and a minimum undergraduate grade point average.
Ph.D. programs in biomedical science generally take 4-5 years to complete, and include core and elective coursework, laboratory rotations and dissertation research. Generally, the first year exposes students to research in biological, bioengineering and biomedical fields to help them identify an area of specialization and dissertation
Mechanical engineering PhD programs prepare students to work in industries such as architecture, engineering, machinery manufacturing, transportation equipment manufacturing and more.
PhD in Mathematics and Statistics programs award graduate students the highest level of scholarship in their field. In addition they typically indicate they have made original research contributions. For students aspiring to an academic position or research-oriented role as an analyst, the Ph.D. is considered the academic requirement[i]. If you aspire to potential upward mobility in a current job, a math or statistics Ph.D. warrants consideration.
PhD in Mathematics and Statistics: Program Basics
At the doctorate level, many Ph.D. in Mathematics and Statistics programs focus either on the pure or applied forms of their disciplines (e.g. applied statistics, pure statistics, applied mathematics, pure mathematics). Mathematics is a critical component of natural science, engineering, medicine, finance and social sciences[ii].
Prospective doctoral students may be required to have a bachelor’s degree, letters of recommendation, qualifying GRE scores, and any prerequisite math, statistics or computer science courses. Also, coursework in biology, chemistry or the health sciences may be useful if you plan on entering the pharmaceutical industry. [iii]The culmination of a doctorate degree is a student-submitted dissertation.
FACT: 20% of Statisticians[iv]and 33% of mathematicians[v] hold a doctorate degree
Types of Statistics and Math Ph.D. Programs
Ph.D. Math and Statistics Degrees are offered in different subjects, depending on your professional or academic interests. If you refer to the GradSchools.com directory these are simplified into:
- Actuarial Science & Financial Engineering
- Mathematics
- Statistics & Data Analytics
What Can You Do With a PhD Anthropology?
Anthropology Ph.D. programs teach students how to conduct academic research. PhD Anthropology students research modern and historical humans to make sense of the species rich history and culture, and learn lessons that might be applicable in the future.
Students in a Ph.D. program are likely to be expected to participate in original research projects and produce a thesis or dissertation. Students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in anthropology can choose from a wide array of specializations and programs.
A Doctorate in International Relations allows individuals who are interested in exploring and researching ideologies, policies, and statistics related to international security, economy, politics and law. Most doctorate degree programs require students to complete a dissertation or publish original research, as well as pass a comprehensive examination in order to graduate. Some programs may necessitate learning a foreign language.
International Relations PhD Programs | Doctorate in International Relations Degrees Program Overview
International Relations is the academic field that studies how countries, governments, leaders and international organizations interact with one another. It also examines how these relationships affect global systems such as the economy or foreign affairs. Typically, International Relations PhD programs offer learners a combination of training in theory and methodology relating to international relations and issues. Students may be exposed to political theories, philosophies, social inquiries, international organization and law. Some programs allow students to personalize their degree by choosing their own curriculum.
Choosing the Right PhD Program in International Relations
Students seeking an International Relations PhD program might want to begin with a location search on GradSchools.com to determine where accredited schools are found. You are also able to search by program format. If you aspire to a career in academia, such as at the postsecondary level, it might be a good fit to learn on campus, as some teachers gain teaching experience by working as graduate teaching assistants. Others, especially currently working professionals might review distance-learning options. You might find an online PhD in International Relations, or a combination program, called Hybrid, that is low residency and incorporates online
A doctorate in Archaeology program offers students an opportunity to cultivate expertise in the field of archaeology through advanced research. While archaeologists qualify for some positions with a master’s degree, a PhD in Archaeology may be required for jobs where leadership skills and higher-level technical knowledge are needed. Furthermore, a doctorate degree in archaeology is essential for professionals seeking to work internationally and comply with the requirements of foreign governments.
Doctorate in Archaeology Program Overview
Doctorate in archaeology provide education and technical training in the recovery, analysis, and interpretation of the material remains of the human past. This includes the application of scientific techniques, as well as the study of archaeological heritage. Earning a Ph.D in Archaeology takes several years of study beyond a master’s degree. Doctoral students must also complete a dissertation, which typically includes between 18 and 30 months of field research.
Typically, applicants to Archaeology PhD programs have an appropriate Masters degree or other demonstrable professional or research experience in their field of study. All PhD programs in Archaeology generally require individuals to have a reading proficiency in a second language, which may be pursued during their coursework, as well as writing skills that are essential for their dissertation.
Choosing a PhD Program in Archaeology: Online or On Campus
GradSchools.com can help you search for Archaeology graduate schools whether you are looking for a traditional campus program or an online format. Often the same universities have distance-learning options that offer a more flexible way to study for a research degree - allowing you to undertake a PhD wherever you are based in the world. You can initiate a search using the program
Biblical studies Ph.D. students embark on an in depth exploration of the bible, its teaching, its interpretation, and its impact on society. Earning a Ph.D. in biblical studies gives students the opportunity to conduct extensive research on a wide variety of research topics. There are many different biblical studies Ph.D. programs available, search for them today.
The doctorate in business information systems program is designed for students who are interested in pursuing their doctorate’s degree with a concentration in management information systems. Information is extremely important to the business world. The information systems field is one that merges the business and technology worlds together. Information is transmitted, processed, and received through various systems within and between various organizations.
Phd In Business Information Systems
Earning a doctorate in business information systems may help to prepare individuals to develop new products and services to enhance the distribution and exchange of information within management, enterprise, and market environments. Students who earn a MIS PhD might choose to pursue careers in the education, research, marketing, economics, and IT fields.
Doctorate in Business Information Systems Student Skills and Qualities
The doctorate in business information systems degree program is ideal for students who are able to analyze and problem solve critical information in fast-paced environments. Students should be able to multitask and communicate effectively with their peers, and be highly knowledgeable and skilled at developing and implementing computer and information systems within critical environments. Expertise and knowledge of Java, .NET, and visual basic programming are needed. Individuals should also be highly efficient at performing as a liaison between the information systems department and management within the organization they work for.
Common Coursework in Doctorate in Business Information Systems Programs
In addition to several statistic classes, individuals may also take structural equation modeling, multivariate analysis, econometrics, database design, and advanced regression courses. Additional research courses are also needed before
Considering a Computer Science PHD Program? Students in computer science Ph.D. programs learn how to develop computing languages, tools, and methods to improve existing technology or create new technological solutions. Doctoral programs in computer science may be a good option for an individual with a strong interest in research or product development.
Doctoral programs in information sciences are available for students interested in exploring the theory and application of computing technology in great detail. Search for the information sciences Ph.D. program that best matches your academic and professional goals.
PhD programs in information technology teach students how research and develop new technology to advance human ability to process data, perform daily tasks, and organize electronic information. IT PhD in Information Technology Programs combine classroom learning with experimentation and research to develop expert level skills and knowledge that they can use to advance the science of technology.
Considering a PhD Technology Management Program? Technology management is a concentration within the broader fields of information technology and business management. Focusing mainly on research, a PhD Technology Management degree might help students develop skills that will help them to serve in industrial and educational capacities while building on research procedures and an understanding of industrial processes. The goal of some of these programs is to turn doctoral candidates into contributing scholars and researchers with the ability to produce research in the technology management field and obtain faculty status at universities around the world. Become a doctor of technology management through one of our many graduate programs available throughout the world.
Potential Coursework For Students in a PhD Technology Management Degree Program
Candidates who decide to pursue a PhD Technology Management program might benefit from having already earned a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a related field of study, such as computer systems or information technology. Generally speaking, coursework at the doctoral level expects a basic knowledge of such subjects as statistics, computer programming, economics, and business management. If an area of specialization will be chosen, some practical work experience in that area may even be required by some programs.
Expectations within Technology Management PhD Programs
Some PhD technology management doctorate programs offer advanced coursework in managerial techniques, laws, ethics, marketing, finance, and economics. Some programs expect studies to end with the successful defense of a dissertation, so coursework might focus on research methods and techniques. Candidates may be required to work closely with a faculty member during research and writing of a dissertation. There may also be an expectation for
Telecommunications and networking Ph.D. programs are usually heavily focused on helping students explore their research interests so they can work towards advancing society's understanding of telecommunications science. Telecom and networking Ph.D. students will usually undertake a course of study that combines classroom discussion with independent and group research projects.
Find a Ph.D. program in telecommunications and networking.
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